Powerdialer Support


Note: Several PowerDialer features, including Reports and Neighborhood Data, require the use of pop-ups. If you try and activate these features and the site does not respond, please try and disable your browser’s block of dialer.archtelecom.com.



If you want to see the PowerDialer in action, look no further!
Our interactive live webinar will show you how to get started, and guide you step-by-step through making your first calls. Click to register for a Training Webinar


Power Dialer makes it easy to make calls fast!
If you are new to the PowerDialer and want a jump-start before your live Webinar use this Quick Start Guide to learn how to use key features.



Certain CRMs are set up to automatically import leads from PowerDialer.
Click on a logo to find how-tos on synchronizing, importing, exporting and more.


Logging into the PowerDialer


Access http://dialer.archtelecom.com

  • Enter your Username and Password
  • Click Login

Note: Your Username is your Power Dialer Mailbox number, a ten-digit number similar to 8001071234.

Configuring Call Lists

You are able to upload any list from a .CSV file.
PowerDialer was designed to accept any list that is in .CSV (Comma Separated Value) file format from any source or provider.

Download a Call List CSV Template
Click the CSV icon to download a sample .CSV file with an example of the expected contents of a file ready to upload to the Power Dialer.

Use the chart below to ensure your .CSV file loads properly.

  • Your HEADER ROW column headers must use the values under “Possible Column Headers”.
  • The HEADER ROW in a .CSV file is the top-most row in the file and contains the FIELD LABLES.
  • FIELD LABLES are used for mapping the data in the file to the proper FIELDS in the PowerDialer.
  • PowerDialer only looks at the first 50 columns (up to column ‘AX’ in Excel). If your .CSV file contains more than 50 columns, remove any unnecessary columns.
  • The column order is not critical as the upload process matches the data to the appropriate FIELDS based on the HEADER ROW.
Field TypePossible Column Headers
Phone Numberphone1 ▪ phone2 ▪ phone3 ▪ phone 1 ▪ phone 2 ▪ phone 3 ▪ phone ▪ ph ▪ phone_other
cell ▪ cell phone ▪ cellphone ▪ mobile ▪ mobile phone ▪ mobilephone ▪ phone_mobile
work ▪ work phone ▪ workphone ▪ phone_work ▪ business ▪ bus phone
home ▪ home phone ▪ homephone ▪ home_phone
First Namefirst name ▪ firstname ▪ first_name ▪ primary firstname
Last Namelast name ▪ lastname ▪ last_name ▪ primary lastname name ▪ fullname
Notes or Commentsnotes1 ▪ notes2 ▪ notes3 ▪ notes4 ▪ notes5 ▪ notes6 ▪ notes7 ▪ notes8 ▪ notes9 ▪ notes10
call notes ▪ contact notes
comment ▪ comments
Contact Identifiercontact id ▪ contacted
Addressaddress ▪ address1 ▪ address2
Statestate ▪ st
Postal CodeZip

If your .CSV file does not have headers
If there are no headers or they do not match the mapping settings, the system will automatically look for the first 10-digit number in each row. It will then assign this as the phone number. The first two columns in the spreadsheet will also be added to the list.

Map your CRM .CSV Export to Quickly Upload a Call List to PowerDialer
PowerDialer was designed to accept any list that is in .CSV format from any CRM. We have mapped many of the popular CRMs and their native export will load and display correctly. If your CRM has not been mapped, PowerDialer was designed to allow us to quickly map it in minutes so it displays correctly. For more information about mapping your CRM, please email your request to Customer Support at support@archagent.com or call 800-882-9155.

Create a New Call List from a .CSV File

  • Choose “Lists” under “Configure”
  • From the box on the right, select “Continue”
  • Enter a unique description in the “List Name” field
  • Click “Browse” and locate the .CSV file on your local drive
  • Click “Upload CSV”

Create a New Call List by Combining Existing Lists

  • Choose “Lists” under “Configure”
  • From the box on the right, select “Pick & Filter Lists”
  • Enter a unique description in the “New List Name” field
  • Select Lists to Merge
  • Optional: You may select to include only certain previously called contacts by using the “Add Filters” feature. Otherwise, all records for the selected lists will be included.
  • Click “Save As New List”

Rename Any List

  • Choose “Lists” under “Configure”
  • Click on any list
  • Enter a unique description in the “List Name” field
  • Click “Rename List”

Preview Any List

  • Choose “Lists” under “Configure”
  • Click on any list
  • Click “View all”

Pushing Leads Directly from ArchAgent FSBO/Expired Service
If you subscribe to ArchAgent’s FSBO and Expired Data services, you can select leads to be imported directly into the PowerDialer directly from the Web Portal.

  • Login to your FSBO/Expired Mailbox https://portal.archtelecom.com/Portal/Login.aspx
  • Click on the “FSBO/Expired” tab
  • Choose “FSBO/Expired” under “Reports”
  • Set your Search Parameters
    • Select a Date Range
    • Choose FSBO, Expired, or Both
    • Check “Include only listings with a valid phone number”
    • Check “Include only listings not reviewed for holding pen”
    • Choose either “Summary Version” or “Full Text Version”
  • Choose “Get Report”
  • Use the checkboxes to select the listings you want pushed to the dialer
  • Choose “Transfer Selected Listings to PowerDialer

Note: Your list will be processed and available within 5 minutes once you login to your PowerDialer account

Create a New Call List from Neighborhood Data
Using our Neighborhood Data Service, you are able to automatically create a list of Homeowners, Renters, or Business. Through the PowerDialer Portal you can enter in a starting address and search based upon a specific street, mileage radius, or custom map. These lists are perfect for your Just Listed or Just Sold campaigns.

Activation is required, for more information please contact us at 800-882-9155. For instructions on integrating Neighborhood data with the PowerDialer, please CLICK HERE.

Create a New Call List from REDX
For instructions on integrating REDX data with the PowerDialer, please CLICK HERE.

Set Up Your Power Dialer

Record Your Outgoing Voicemail

  1. Go to Voicemails under Configure
  2. Enter a description in the Voicemail Name form field and click Create Voicemail to create the message PIN
  3. Using any telephone call 888-210-8494 to access the Power Dialer Message Recording System
  4. Enter in the message PIN
  5. Follow the voice prompts
  6. Click Refresh to see the message updated in the PowerDialer
  7. Click Play to play your voicemail through your computer speakers

Add a Follow-up email

  1. Choose “Emails” under “Configure”
  2. Enter the email subject in the “Email Name” field
  3. Compose the email body in the “Email Content”
  4. Click “Save”

Adding a Live Answer Script

  • Choose “Scripts” under “Configure”
  • Enter a description in the “Script Name” field
  • Add your script verbiage to the “Script Content” field

Administrative Options

  • Choose “Admin” under “Configure”
  • Add a number to DNC – Enter the 10-digit number you wish to have added to your personal DNC. This number will automatically be removed from all future dial sessions.
  • Search for Contact – Enter in a ‘Last Name’, ‘Phone Number’, ‘Street Name’ in ‘Search Term’ to locate records in records in your dial lists. The returned results will include all contact information and notes from previous contacts.
  • Contact Information – Enter in a ‘Caller ID’, ‘Email Address’, or ‘Email Display Name’ to permanently change your Caller ID or Email information without having to call ArchAgent support.

Getting Started Dialing

Configure a New Dial Session

  • Choose “Start Session” from the home screen
  • Click “Choose a call list”
  • Click here for Advanced Settings

Start a Dial Session

  • Click “Start Session”
  • Dial 800-900-9526
  • You will be prompted to display the unique PIN number displayed on-screen.

Control a Dial Session

After your PIN is validated you will be brought to the Session Control Screen and you will click “Start Dialing”. You will hear the system beginning to dial, and depending on the result you will be able to choose from the following actions:

  • End Call – When selected the Power Dialer system will end the current connection and automatically begin to dial the next number in the list.
  • Live Answer – If the prospect answers the phone. You may begin speaking immediately and your script will appear once this option is selected.
  • Leave Voicemail – This option becomes available when the Power Dialer detects a recorded message. After this option is selected, the system will automatically leave your message on the prospect’s voicemail in the background while you have the option to continue to the next record.

Note: At any point in the dialing session you may choose “Pause Session”. Once you are ready to resume the system will present you with a new PIN number to continue dialing.

Preview Upcoming Calls and Skip Dials

Power Dialer allows you to view the notes on the next call in your list. You also have the capability to skip past any records you do not wish to dial.

  • Notes – Allows you to view the “Notes” column in our call list and previous history for the upcoming record.
  • Skip – Skips over the next record in your list, preventing you from dialing unwanted numbers.

Dial Session Data Entry

Once you have successfully ended a call you will be able to enter contact notes, schedule follow-up phone calls, and set a lead disposition.

  • Notes – Enter in call details to be exported to your CRM system.
  • Choose a Call Outcome – Set the caller’s disposition based on interest level. Please contact us about custom fields settings based on your CRM system.
  • Schedule Callback – Enter a time/date for following up with the prospect.

Resuming a Previous Dialing Session

If you are unable to complete a dial list in a single session you are able to resume the session from the exact point where you left off at a later date.

  • From the Home Screen choose “Resume a previous session”
  • Select your session from the drop-down ‘Choose a previous session…’
  • Update your’Script’, ‘Follow-Up Email’, and ‘Voicemail Message’
  • Note: You cannot change your DNC settings when resuming your session.

Reporting Options

  • List of Dial Sessions – Retrieve a list based on a date range of previous dialing sessions including the Session ID, Date, List, Message and Script.
  • Call Log for Dial Session – Retrieve the details for each call during a single dialing session. You will need to retrieve the Session ID by first accessing the Sessions History report.
  • Call Log by Date Range – Retrieve the details of all calls made during a specific date range
  • Dial Lists – Retrieve all call lists and member counts for your PowerDialer system.
  • List Members – View details for each member in a particular call list. You will first need to retrieve the List ID from the “Dial Lists” report.


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